23 June 2021 Discussion/Lecture What's left of Syria?

Thinking about revolutionary outcomes


Event location



23.06.2021, 19:30 - 21:00 Hr


Globalization, Social Movements / Organizing, War / Peace, Migration / Flight, Participation / Civil Rights, Lebanon / Syria / Iraq


mit Dr. Adélie Chevée (Politikwissenschaftlerin, European University Institute)

Eine Veranstaltung der Gruppe Kritische Islamwissenschaftler:innen und Arabist:innen in Kooperation mit der Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Sachsen.

Vortragsreihe: „10 Jahre arabischer Frühling – eine kritische Betrachtung"


Vortrag und Diskussion in Englisch.

Ten years after children spray-painted the words "Your turn, doctor" on a wall in the southern town of Daraa, the war in Syria has resulted in the death of more than 500,000 people, the displacement of millions, and the continuous rule of a tyrannical leader. For some, Bashar al-Assad has won what is now a low-intensity conflict. But how do we measure successes and failures of a revolution? Looking back at ten years of revolutionary struggle, I propose to investigate the transformations of the cultural world brought in the aftermath of the Syrian Uprising to rethink how we make sense of revolutionary outcomes.

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