25 September 2024 Convention/Conference Property Reforms from Below

A Discussion between Housing Movements from South Africa and Berlin


Event location

KIEZRAUM auf dem Dragonerareal Obentrautstraße 1-21
10963 Berlin


25.09.2024, 19:00 - 21:00 Hr


Social Movements / Organizing, City / Municipality / Region


Property Reforms from Below

On the occasion of the third anniversary of the historic referendum in Berlin for the expropriation of big landlords, the initiative DWE – Deutsche Wohnen & Co. Enteignen – is happy to invite you to an evening of learning and exchange on housing movements!

South African activists from the shack dwellers Movement Abahlali baseMjondolo and from the NGO Ndifuna Ukwazi are visiting Berlin. As part of the exchange week, we are organizing a panel discussion to learn about the main struggles in the context of access to housing and land justice in South Africa, as well as the history, strategies and successes of our movements. Why must housing struggles be from below? How relevant is the form of property and the involvement of the state? How do movements organize themselves? We want to discuss this and more questions with our guests and you. Come join us!

With: Katalin Gennburg & Joana Kusiak, activists from Abahlali baseMjondolo, Ndifuna Ukwazi, and Deutsche Wohnen & Co. enteignen

With the support of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.

Accessibility: room is on the ground floor

Free entry!

The event will be held in English. German translation available on demand via e- mail to info@dwenteignen.de


Janine Walter

Head of the Regional Office South Africa, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Regionalbüro Südafrika, Johannesburg